EREA is willing to foster a new impetus on research about air transport noise. A new initiative has been prepared to this end. In particular EREA considers that the focus should be shifted from technology to i) an impact assessment for the newly developed technologies, and ii) a more thorough understanding of the noise generation and propagation processes to enable smart noise abatement actions. This opinion arises from the observation that, although high-TRL technology has been and will continue to be driven by numerous integrated programmes, it is not able to deliver alone the expected achievements when considering communities. This also stems from the fact that, low-TRL solutions have been widely exploited within large integrated programmes in recent years. Now, the time has thus come to favour again novel ideas and concepts focused on monitoring and controlling impact and a better understanding of cause and effect.
Therefore, it is required to prepare a programme that will push forward research on thorough understanding of air transport noise and innovative low-TRL enabling technologies on the one hand, and impact and perception on the other hand. But above all, a global assessment of the past and ongoing effort on air transport noise must be carried out. Accordingly, this assessment has to be community-oriented rather than technology-oriented. Therefore, finding out the way to deem community-oriented impact of technology-oriented programmes is a challenging issue of TSE2 Quiet Air Transport. This implies enhanced interactions with existing or future independent programmes (such as Sesar, Aflonext, CleanSky, CleanSky 2, Clean Aviation), but also goes far beyond.
Preliminary views consider four actions within the Future Sky Theme Quiet Air Transport, i.e.:
- A coordinated research action on methods, low-TRL enablers and thorough understanding of noise generation and propagation,
- A coordinated research action on impact, perception and community annoyance,
- A coordinated support action aiming at managing the research network and at integrating achievements of Future Sky Theme Quiet Air Transport (QAT) within the dedicated European roadmaps on noise-related research,
- A global assessment action aiming at considering future achievements of Future Sky Theme Quiet Air Transport and achievements of other past or present coordinated research and innovation actions (CRIAs) from a community-oriented standpoint.
EREA assumes that progresses made within this Future Sky Theme on impact or perception will help getting sooner the 2035 ACARE noise midterm objectives (-11 effectively-perceived dB).
Consequently, the vision stemming from Future Sky Theme QAT should continue to be implemented within the next years